
Balloons: A Study in Air, Light, and Weight

More artwork from the author that brought you THE BIG FIVE (now available on Books a Million and Barnes and Noble's websites)



Kites: A Study In Air, Light, and Weight

Another creation of mine, cut from fashion prints and magazines.
No joke, pretty much my life right now.
Fun, whimsical. A little terrifying.
Gotta learn to enjoy the ride, right?

Betcha didn't guess I was an author and an artist.


Copyright 2015 Kay Elle
Do not use without permission.

The Deeper We Go...

Something I made last year. I like who it pretty much relates to everything, metaphorically.


Photo Copyright 2015 Kay Elle.
Do not use without permission.


Reader Reviews

Hello world!
Hopefully the beginning of the week was as great for you as it was for me.
Unless you're a Seahawks fan...
And then you're probably a little deflated...

Superbowl puns aside, I have news of (pause for dramatic tension) READER REVIEWS!!!

Yes, I had several people tell me that they picked up The Big Five on Saturday and couldn't put it down until they finished it that evening. I'm talking I forgot to eat because it was just that good type reviews.

One reader even said that The Big Five is now her second favorite book. Ever. One behind Ender's Game and one ahead of The Odyssey. Take that Homer!

I can't even fully articulate how extremely gratifying it is to know that ordinary people can connect with my characters/story/idea without me standing over their shoulder, explaining what I mean.

The Big Five lives and breathes on its own. It speaks for itself. And people like it.
And I know you will too. Buy it here.

1.) Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card
2.) The Big Five by Kay Elle
3.) The Odyssey by Homer


follow me @Kay_Elle1520


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I'm on twitter now!
Pretty late, I know. But it had to happen sometime.

Follow me @Kay_Elle1520

140 characters is less than I'm used to working with, but I'm fairly certain my brilliance will shine through even without a whole book to do it.